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Saturday February 6th, 2016     8am-6pm

Sister MorningStar

Sister MorningStar has dedicated a lifetime to the preservation of instinctual birth. She birthed her own daughters at home and has helped thousands of other women find empowerment through instinctual birth. She is the founder of a spiritual retreat center and author of books related to instinctual and spiritual living. She lives as a Cherokee hermitess and Catholic mystic in the Ozark Mountains of Missouri. Visit her on the web at:


Sister will bring us through a day of storytelling and topics such as:

  • Instinct Intelligence

  • Instinct and Protocol-Critical thinking in Birth

  • Village Prenatals

  • How to Keep Birth Normal

Friday February 5th, 2016     8am-6pm

Gail Hart

Gail Hart graduated from a midwifery training program as a Certified Practical Midwife in 1977. She has held a variety of certifications over the years; she was a Certified Midwife through the Oregon Midwifery Council, and an LDEM in the state of Oregon. She is now "semi-retired," and no longer maintains her license, but still keeps active with a small community practice. Gail is strongly interested in ways to holistically incorporate evidence-based medical knowledge with traditional midwifery understanding.


Gail will explore with us the following topics:

  • Understanding third stage; preventing, treating and controlling hemorrhage

  • Myths of Obstetrics and Midwifery: examining common practice in light of new research

  • Vaginal Floraculture; the Human Microflora Connection

  • Preeclampsia: What it is, what it ain't and what to do about it



February 5-6th

SW Herb

148 N. Center Street

Mesa, AZ 85201

We are returning once again to the lovely gathering space in SW Herb Shop in beautiful Downtown Mesa. We have applied for 6 MEAC CEUs per day for a total of up to 12 CEUs if you attend the full conference. Lunch will be catered in with vegan/GF/DF/NF options. Light snacks, coffee, tea, and water will be provided. Please come dressed comfortably and bring a yoga mat for use during our daily yoga break.


We are very excited about the special event we are offering this year after each day of conference. Click the links below for details about each event. We hope you will join us!


AZ Association of Midwives proudly presents: 

"Integrating Evidence and Intuition Into Practice" 

Featuring Gail Hart and Sister MorningStar

Registration Fees

Professional Registration Fee (Includes CEU's)

Select professional registration fee if you are a midwife, physician, doula, or other professional needing CEUs. We have applied for 6 MEAC CEUs per day for a total of up to 12 CEUs if you attend the full conference.


Early Bird Registration, ended February 3rd, 2016:

  • $150 per day

  • $250 for Friday & Saturday ($50 discount)



Registration at the Door:

  • $175 per day

  • $275 for Friday & Saturday ($50 discount)

Student Registration Fee (Does not include CEU's)

Select student registration fee if you are a student, apprentice, doula, childbirth educator, or other not needing CEUs for a licensing or certifying body. 



Early Bird Registration, ended February 3rd, 2016:

  • $100 per day 

  • $150 for Friday & Saturday ($50 discount)



Registration at the Door:​

  • $125 per day 

  • $175 for Friday & Saturday ($50 discount)

**All Current AAM Members Recieve  an Additional $25 Off Total Registration!!**

Click Here to Join or Renew Your Membership Today

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